Archive Mode. Call Ocala: The Art of Community ended on 5/5/23, 11:59 PM. Call settings are read only. See Current Open Calls
One of the cool things about living in Ocala is to be so close to Ocala National Forest. As a wildlife photographer, it has been on my bucket list to get a good Florida black bear shot. Got the photo one morning while driving along the forest roads. Saw this large male off the road up ahead. Turned off car and stayed still. He came out of the woods, looked at me, crossed the road, and then turned my way and walked 15 steps or so, and then went back into the woods on the other side of the road. This was with a long telephoto lens. He was not too close where I felt nervous. What a wonderful encounter! I got out of my car and propped my lens on my open door. Sure enough, after a moment, the young male bear came out and crossed the road in front of me, taking his time, and checking on me every few seconds. I got off a ton of shots as he came out, crossed the road, turned and walked about 15 steps toward me, and then slipped into the woods on the right side of the road. Thrilling encounter!